Hoje teremos várias questões para testar seus conhecimentos em Performance Tuning como DBA Oracle. As questões são relativamente antigas, por isso pode haver alguma questão que não seja aplicável à versão mais recente do Oracle Database.
- A tablespace has a table with 300 extents in it. Is this bad? Why or why not?
- How do you set up tablespaces during an Oracle installation?
- You use multiple fragments in the SYSTEM tablespace. What should you check first?
- What are the indications that you need to increase or decrease the shared_pool size parameter?
- What are the general guidelines for sizing DB_BLOCK_SIZE and DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT for an application that does many table scans?
- What is the fastest query method of a table in the RULE based optimizer?
- Explain the use of TKPROF. What OS parameter should be set to get full TKPROFF output?
- When looking at V$SYSSTAT you see that sorts (disk) is high. Is that bad or good? If bad – how do you correct it?
- When should you increase copy latches? What parameter controls copy latches?
- Where can you get a list of all initialization parameters for your system? How about if they are the default settings or have been changed?
- Describe hit ratios as pertains to the database buffers. What is the difference between an instantaneous and cumulative hit ratio? Which one should you use for tuning?
- Discuss row chaining. How does it happen? How do you correct it?
- When looking at the estat events report you see that you are getting buffer busy waits. Is this bad/ How can you find what is causing it?
- If you see contention for library caches how can you fix it?
- If you see statistics that deal with UNDO, what are they really talking about?
- If a tablespace has a default PCTINCREASE of 0, what will it cause (in relation to SMON).
- If a tablespace shows excessive fragmentation, what are the methods to de-fragment the tablespace?
- How can you tell if the tablespace has excessive fragmentation?
- You see the following on your status report: redo log space requests – 23, redo log space wait time – 0. Is this something to worry about? What is the redo log wait time is high? How can you fix this?
- What can cause a high value for recursive calls? How can this be fixed?
- If you see a pin hit ratio of less than 0.8 in the estat library report – is this a problem? If so, how do you resolve it?
- If you see a high value for reloads in estat library cache report, is this a matter for concern?
- You look at the DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS and see that there is a large number of shrinks and they are relatively small in size. Is this a problem? How can this be fixed?
- You look at the DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS and see a large number of wraps. Is this a problem?
- You have a room to grow extents by 20%. Is there a problem? Should you take any action?
- You see multiple extents in the temporary tablespace. Is this good or bad?
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