Código: 1Z0-874

Prova MySQL 5 Database Administrator Certified Professional Exam, Part II
Preço US$ 125.00
Duração 90 minutos
Número de questões 65
Nota de aprovação 66%
Treinamento oficial recomendado MySQL for Database Administrators

Tópicos do exame

Section 1: Stored Routines (5%)
Using Stored Routines and Triggers for Security Purposes
Using Stored Routines to Enhance Performance
Section 2: User Management (20%)
User Account Management
Client Access Control
Section 3: Securing the Server (10%)
Security Issues
Operating System Security
Filesystem Security
Log Files and Security
Network Security
FEDERATED Table Security
Section 4: Upgrade-Related Security Issues (5%)
Upgrading the Privilege Tables
Security-Related SQL Mode Values
Security-Related SQL Mode Values
Identifying Candidates for Query Analysis
Using EXPLAIN to Analyze Queries
Using SHOW WARNINGS for Optimization
MyISAM Index Caching
Section 6: Optimizing Schemas (15%)
General Table Optimizations
MyISAM-Specific Optimizations
InnoDB-Specific Optimizations
MERGE-Specific Optimizations
MERGE-Specific Optimizations
Section 7: Optimizing the Server (10%)
Interpreting mysqld Server Information
Measuring Server Load
Tuning Memory Parameters
Using the Query Cache
Section 8: Interpreting Error Messages (5%)
Sources of Diagnostic Information
Using the Error Log for Diagnostic Purposes
Using The Slow Query Log for Diagnostic Purposes
Section 9: Optimizing the Environment (5%)
Choosing Hardware for MySQL Use
Configuring Disks for MySQL Use
Network Issues
Optimizing the Operating System for MySQL Use
Section 10: Scaling MySQL (10%)
Using Multiple Servers